Sunday, November 1, 2009

Vedic Brahma and Apache Kuterastan

The Creation Story of the American Apache Indians is very similar to the Vedic Creation Story. Both the Apache creator Kuterastan and the Vedic Creator Lord Brahma appear on a disc shaped object. Brahma sits on the yellow whorl of the lotus and Kuterastan sits on a yellow disc. Both Look around themselves in the four directions and observe an effulgent sea beneath them. Both have the number 4 as a significant component in their beginnings. They both meditate and sing and they both have the task to create all things. Both Brahma and Kuterastan awaken from a long sleep before they begin the creation process. Adding another deminsion to the Vedic connections with Ancient American Culture are Apache Swastikas and Apache Holy Crosses. These images are from the book The North American Indian by Edward S. Curtis with a foreward by former US President Theodore Roosevelt and featured in part two of this article. Both the cross and the Swastika are used by the Apaches to symbolize Divinities. This is another clue reminding us that the Swastika and the Holy Cross are both variations of the same symbol. There is also an authentic Apache ceremonial painting representing the Apache Creation Process. The links are provided for both the Apache source and and the Vedic source. Perhaps there are many more such similarities to be discovered.

There was a time when nothing existed to form the universe—no earth, no sky, and no sun or moon to break the monotony of the illimitable darkness. But as time rolled on, a spot, a thin circular disc no larger than the hand, yellow on one side and white on the other, appeared in midair. Inside the disc sat a bearded man but little larger than a frog, upon whom was to fall the task of creating all things. Kútĕrastan, The One Who Lives Above, is the name by which he is now known, though some call him Yŭádĭstan, Sky Man. Kútĕrastan, as if waking from a long sleep, sat up and rubbed his face and eyes with both hands. Then bending forward, he looked up into the endless darkness, and lo! light appeared everywhere above him. He then looked down, and all below became a sea of light. A glance to the east created yellow streaks of dawn, another to the west the saffron tints of the dying day, both soon becoming obscured by numerous clouds of many hues, formed by his looking around and about in all directions. ...he began to sing: "I am thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking what shall I do next." Four times he thus sang, at the end of the fourth time brushing his face with his hands, which he rubbed briskly together and parted quickly; and there before him stood Chuganaái, the Sun.

Atop that whorl Brahma the first created being, makes his appearance ...

Brahmâ, born out of the lotus flower, could not see the world, although he was situated in the whorl. He therefore circumambulated all of space, and while moving his eyes in all directions he achieved four heads in terms of the four directions.The panorama derided the green and coral of the evening splendor of the sun and the great and golden of the mountain summits with their jewels of waterfalls and herbs, and so was the scenery of flowers and trees [but] the adornment of His hands and legs.'Who am I, this one on top of the lotus? Where did this lotus come from? Surely there is something in the water below. Whether it sprouted of its own or not, it must belong to something else!'


Miss Everything said...

Thank you for sharing this. We are so deeply connected.

Miss Everything said...
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